Meet the founder

Hi! I’m Jenna, the instigator of this blog, Filling Your Cup.

I started on my journey to self care after a devastating divorce. This filling your cup path has taught me so much about myself, including how small, daily actions that seem like they’re not enough to matter, begin to build to large leaps forward. By adopting a daily self care routine, exercising and eating right, and getting my finances in order, I began to look and feel better than I ever thought I could. I was stunned. Weight I had been carrying on my shoulders began to drop off. I opened the door to letting better and better things into my life by focusing on things that made me happy. It was like a self fulfilling prophecy that began to work for me instead of against me. I started Filling Your Cup as a way to help other people, especially single moms (cause I’ve been there), realize how we hold all the power we need deep within ourselves. We decide how far we’re going to go, but it starts with deciding that we’re worth it.

You are worth it

You deserve it

You can do it

We really love our readers.

Thanks for spending time with us. I just know that by implementing some of the ideas on my site, that you will begin to see big changes in your life! Feel free to leave a question or comment by hitting the Contact Us button below.

Filling Your Cup


“small, daily actions that seem like they’re not enough to matter, begin to build to large leaps forward”

Want to know about my morning routine?

Here’s what I use — you may recognize that it’s similar to Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning Routine, which I absolutely love. I wake up, grab a cup of coffee that I set to brew the night before (makes me feel like I have a butler), and settle in for some quality “me time.” I takes me about an hour, but I built up to that over time. I look forward to my morning routine and I may switch up the order, depending on how I feel each day.


Meditation (10 min)

I pick a new one from YouTube’s vast library or select one of my personal faves.


Affirmations (10 min)

Right now, I’m working on fine tuning my athletic performance and increasing my monthly cash flow, so my affirmations are focused on these.


Visualization (10 min)

I visualize my perfect body, while loving the body I have now. I visualize money coming to me effortlessly.


Reading (10 min)

I read about a chapter of whatever self-help book I am currently enjoying. I love hearing about other people’s experiences and triumphs.


Deep breathing (15 min)

Oxygen is life. Our bodies crave healthy healing oxygen, so I take about 15 minutes and practice diaphragmatic breathing, which gives me an extra boost of energy in the morning.


Journaling (5 min)

I use a planner with daily prompts. If I run out of time, this gets bumped to the end of the day.

So, there you have it. I love the flexibility that this routine gives me. I can always change and adjust, because I’m always growing and evolving. You can build your routine to look however you like to fill your cup. I also have an evening routine that involves yoga/stretching, a bath with Epsom salts, and a cup of herbal tea.