Amazing Movies to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I know that maintaining a positive outlook can feel like an uphill battle. That’s why I’ve put together a list of movies for a positive mindset that have inspired me or reminded me why I keep working on myself. Keep these in your back pocket for days when you need a lil something extra to boost your mental toughness and keep going.

The Secret

The OG film for figuring out the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking. Watching this film every so often reminds me to watch my thoughts, and sometimes I become more aware of subconscious thoughts that I didn’t even know were there. It’s like a tune up to remind me about the importance of watching how I speak to myself.

I like hearing all of the nuggets of wisdom that the different contributors relay. One of the most important mantras that I’ve taken from this movie is from Michael Bernard Beckwith:

“Out of nothing, and out of no way … a way will be made.”

When I was at a particularly low point in my life, I heard his voice saying this over and over. And you know what? A way was made out of a situation that was so overwhelming, I thought it would never resolve.

If you haven’t seen it, watch it. If you have, watch it again. I know you’ll pick up some wisdom and it’ll keep your vibration high.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

OK, there’s no obvious positive thinking message in this one. It’s just a great movie that holds up well, even almost 40 years later (yep, it came out in 1985). Packed with all stars like Sarah Jessica Parker, Helen Hunt, Shannon Doherty and Johnathan Silverman, not only is it fun to see these guys in their youth, but this movie is all about following your dreams, and persisting through adversity. Who doesn’t get a chill when we watch someone experience that pinnacle moment in their lives, when they work hard for something, and the effort pays off?

This movie is also a reminder to have FUN!! And not to take any crap from spoiled, socialite bitches.

The Bucket List

Two terminally ill men decide to make a list of all the things they’d wish they’d done in life. Together, they start crossing them off the list. Aside from the command performances of Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, there are so many poignant moments – along with some laughs to lighten it up when needed.

It’s a potent reminder of the power of NOW. Now is where the magic is.

And, it’s never too late.

The Answer Man  

This might be the best movie you’ve never seen. I came across it one day in Amazon Prime and just felt like I received such a warm hug by watching it.

Jeff Daniels is a recluse who wrote a book, claiming that he talked to God. In it, he reveals wisdom of the ages that resonated with the millions of readers, which is surprisingly similar to teachings in “The Secret.” But the thing is, he didn’t talk to God, and he feels like he’s living the life of a big phony. So, he avoids people (like completely) until one day, his back gives out. Seeking relief, he meets and becomes enamored with his chiropractor (Lauren Graham). By courting her, he starts to remember and embrace the teachings he forgot and starts letting more people in. His life starts opening up.

I think no matter how far we go down the path to enlightenment or alignment, we can get off track when something we don’t want happens. Being in alignment doesn’t mean that we won’t ever experience pain again. It means that even when something painful happens, we can reconnect with our inner being and realize our purpose for being here.

Pay It Forward

A young boy (Haley Joe Osment) creates a movement of goodwill as part of a class assignment about one person’s ability to change the world. He comes up with a simple, but formidable idea: help three people with something they can’t do themselves. It has to be something really big. The receiver doesn’t return the favor, but “pays it forward” to three more people and so on.

For me, this movie portrays the significance of generosity and gratitude that we each have the ability to give. It also begs the question – can one person, and a middle school aged kid at that – change the world?

Bruce Almighty

Bruce is not happy with his life, even though he has a great job and a great girlfriend (Jennifer Aniston).

This movie is the perfect example of when you think negative thoughts, more negative thoughts come your way. He was truly on a downward spiral. I especially like when all the cars line up right in front of him (Jim Carrey) and block him so he can’t get through. God (Morgan Freeman) gives him the chance to do a better job, and along the way, he learns some important life lessons.

The Secret: Dare to Dream

This one is based on “The Secret” but instead of a documentary format, it’s more of a story.

Katie Holmes (Miranda) and Josh Lucas (Tucker) star. Tucker’s character is more in tune with the power of The Secret, and Miranda hasn’t yet embraced it. We see Tucker going with the flow and helping when he can “because he can.” So, the two characters are juxtaposed: one who is a follower of The Secret and one who isn’t yet.

Miranda begins to see constantly waiting for bad things to happen inevitably leads to them happening more. Noticing Tucker’s demeanor and actions, she starts to slowly open up to the idea that she deserves good things, and bam! Good things start to slowly happen.


A documentary I was absolutely riveted by the first time I watched it. The director asks the question: can changing our perceptions affect our physical health? Their answer was yes.

Interviewing thought leaders on the power of our minds over our bodies, this movie touches on some really interesting concepts.

When you hear statistics like “90% of what brings people to the doctors are stress-related illnesses.” Whoa – that really makes you think.

As someone who has worked in the scientific research and medical communications for over 15 years, I can tell you that there is one fact I ALWAYS come back to when people poo-poo the reasoning behind the concepts presented in “The Secret.”

Our clinical trial program – the best in the world, mind you – is founded on double-blind studies. Do you know why? Because the researchers learned that when people think they’re taking a drug that will help them, the “drug” performs better. Not just sometimes, but ALL the time. It affects the data so much that the healthcare professionals dispensing the drug can’t even know if the patient is receiving the active drug or a placebo, because that too will skew the results!! (That’s where the term “double-blind” comes in – both the patient and the healthcare professional are “blind” to whether or not they’re receiving the active form of the drug).

What we think matters. Period. And yes, our thoughts can absolutely affect our health. This documentary dives deep into what they call “radical remission” of cancer patients. There have been radical remissions for every type of cancer, including pancreatic cancer, stage IV lung cancer, and inoperable brain tumors. I found it fascinating that these were the aspects the recoverees shared:

                Nine aspects in common for people who have had a radical remission.

  • Radically changing your diet
  • Taking control of your health
  • Following your intuition
  • Using herbs and supplements
  • Releasing suppressed emotions
  • Increasing positive emotions
  • Embracing social support
  • Deepening your spiritual connection
  • Have a strong reason for living.

When you need to refresh your belief in the power of our thoughts, “Heal” is a great movie to watch.

The Secret of Water

Based on the book by Marasu Emoto, this movie shows that water is the medium through which all nature is governed. There is so much we still have to learn about this element which we probably all take for granted every day.

Known to ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, did you know that water retains memory and conveys information to DNA? Influences such as sound, thoughts, intention, and prayer, as well as toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement– affecting all it comes in contact with. Prominent scientists weigh in on this amazing element to help reveal the secret of water, and its potential to heal ourselves and our planet.

What I found most fascinating was that when crystal researchers thought positive thoughts and then froze the water, beautiful structures were formed, captured and photographed. When negative thoughts were projected before freezing, either malformed or no crystals were formed. To me, this meant that our thoughts don’t just affect our bodies but can also affect the world around us.

Under the Tuscan Sun

Based on a true story, Frances undergoes a terrible personal setback, which leads to a series of events (the universe conspiring towards her best path?) that culminates with her purchasing a crumbling villa in Tuscany. What I found most compelling about this story is that she doesn’t immediately fall in love with the next guys she meets, which is what would happen in a Hallmark movie.

In fact, it really isn’t until she 100% pours herself into renovating her home, not waiting for someone else to come along and save her and stops looking, that a new relationship begins to bloom. For me, this was a beautiful example of how to take the focus off of what I really want and let the universe work for my greater good. Along the way, she realizes that her prayers have been answered – maybe not in the way she thinks – but in a vastly deeper and richer way than what she would have planned for herself.

So, there’s my list. I hope you found something to help you maintain your positivity. Are there other movies you would like to add? Please let me know in the comments.

