Visualization Quiet Time

Visualization: How to Change Your Life in 15 Minutes a Day

The Secret to Visualization

Remember the movie “The Secret?” Remember how popular it was when it came out? I remember the first time I watched it – I felt the magic of the words the experts were saying. I felt a resonance deep down in my gut …  or maybe my soul … telling me that there was some important information I was meant to absorb.

Actually, I listened to the book on tape first. At the time, I was driving from Little Rock to Atlanta to start a new job, my two-year-old son sleeping soundly (thank goodness!) in the back seat. I was leaving my estranged husband behind (he cheated) and starting a new chapter. Scared and excited.

Mostly scared.

My Journey

I went to Cracker Barrel, rented the book on tape, and popped it in—hoping to find some nugget of information that would help me on the next phase of my journey. My heart was crying out for a job where I could stay home full time (this was 2008 and was definitely not the norm then; family members thought I was crazy).

I knew that I could not rely on my husband (soon to be ex) to support me/us. But, I desperately wanted to provide my son with the benefits of having a mom who was home all the time and not juggling a full time, away from home career along with single parenthood.

Looking back, I really felt like listening to The Secret was the first step to get me on the right path.

Within 2 months of starting my job, I met someone who mentioned she had a former employee who was doing exactly what I wanted to do. While 100% working from home. Information about breaking into this career path was scarce, but she graciously put me in touch with her former employee, Emma. I met Emma for coffee sometime later where she told me I already had all the skills needed, I just had to find a way to generate work samples and then reach out to companies who hired freelancers. Sounds simple now, but back then, this was a light bulb moment.

The rest is history.

Six months later, I was able to quit my job and embark on staying at home, working part-time yet making a full-time income.


What Worked?

As I look back, I know why things worked out for me the way that they did.

Three main reasons:

  • I rewatched The Secret, over and over and visualized my success.
  • I truly believed that it would happen.
  • I took action when I felt inspired to.

Visualization was the key. Everything else stemmed from that. The belief and the action are critical, but neither would have happened without visualization.

You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor.

Abraham Hicks

Visualization: The Key to Manifesting Your Dreams

So, let’s talk about how visualization is an essential tool for achieving personal goals:

  • Clarifies Goals: Visualization forces you to clearly define your goals. When you can vividly imagine your desired outcome, you gain a more precise understanding of what you want to achieve.
  • Motivation: Visualization can be a powerful source of motivation. When you can see, hear, and feel your success in your mind’s eye, it becomes a tangible and motivating prospect.
  • Reduces Anxiety: By mentally rehearsing the process of achieving your goals, you become more familiar with the steps involved. This familiarity reduces anxiety and builds confidence.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Visualization focuses your mind on positive outcomes, reinforcing the belief that you can achieve your goals. This optimism can drive you to take action.
  • Enhances Focus: Visualizing your goals helps you maintain focus on what you want to achieve. It keeps your attention on the prize and reduces distractions.
  • Strengthens Commitment: When you visualize yourself reaching your goals, you feel a deeper emotional connection to them. This emotional investment can make you more committed to the process.
  • Boosts Self-Efficacy: Visualization can enhance your self-efficacy, which is your belief in your ability to accomplish tasks. When you see yourself succeeding, your self-confidence grows.
  • Activates the Reticular Activating System: The brain’s reticular activating system (RAS) helps filter and prioritize information. Visualizing your goals activates the RAS to pay more attention to opportunities that align with your objectives.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving: Visualization allows you to anticipate obstacles and mentally rehearse solutions. It can help you adapt to challenges more effectively.
  • Attracts Success: Some proponents of the law of attraction believe that visualizing your goals can attract positive outcomes and opportunities. While this is a controversial concept, there is evidence that a positive mindset and focus can lead to greater success.
  • Reinforces Positive Habits: Visualization can help you establish and reinforce positive habits and routines necessary for achieving your goals. When you repeatedly visualize these habits, they become ingrained in your daily life.
  • Stimulates Action: Effective visualization often includes imagining the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. This mental rehearsal can translate into real action and progress.

Overall, visualization acts as a bridge between your current reality and your desired future. It aligns your thoughts, emotions, and actions toward achieving your goals, making it an essential component of personal growth and success.

I can hear you saying, “Yeah, but … I already tried it and it didn’t work!”

But did you though? Did you commit to visualizing every day? Visualizing is easy and fun, but you do have to be consistent and allow yourself to believe. There’s no getting around it. It’s a fact that 83% of people who try to visualize, FAIL, and simply give up. They go back to their meager lives and decide that they will never be able to get the Law of Attraction to work for them. I want more for you.

I know you’re busy, and time is precious. But, hear me out, spending time visualizing is FUN! You get to think about having something you want or doing something that brings you pleasure. It opens your mind to possibilities – who doesn’t want more of that?

A System to Make the Process Easier

For myself, I’ve had better success when I can simply plug into a system that is proven to work for others. Using the Abundant Mind Visualization Videos makes it easy to make visualization a part of my daily routine–I simply choose the video I want to focus on that day (there’s a short and a long version, which is great to fit around my schedule. I actually enjoy watching the videos as I can feel excitement and anticipation build in the new areas of my life that are opening up.

Forget primitive vision boards, forget sub-standard “videos” that are just moving photos with text and music, forget strange sounding subliminal audio. The most powerful and most effective collection of visualization tools is right here for you.

Did you know that by using the Law of Attraction, along with the right tools you can:

  • Attract more money into your life
  • Attract more happiness
  • Attract the perfect relationship
  • Attract limitless abundance
  • Attract a healthy body and mind
  • Attract the life you’ve always wanted

I am here to tell you that there is another way, a more efficient way, an easier way. Start putting the Abundant Mind Visualization Videos to work for you TODAY.

You don’t need to invest huge spans of time. Start with just 15 minutes a day, every day. As you conscious and subconscious mind begin to align


